Celebrating Blessings

June is a month of celebrating blessings- graduations and weddings, the celebration of fathers, the beginning of summer. June marks a shift in our congregational calendar too, as we gather to recognize the gifts of community at our Annual Flower Ceremony on June 12th, and elect new Board members and pass the budget at our Annual Congregational meeting on the second Sunday. And of course enjoy fellowship with a picnic on our front lawn afterwards!

This is also a month to celebrate liberation: LGBTQ+ Pride, in remembrance of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising and the long, hard work of the LGBTQ Movement. In addition, Juneteenth is now a federally recognized holiday to remember the ending of slavery in the United States. These days remind us where we have been- and the work of those who fought for freedom. They charge us to continue living into our commitment to equality and human rights.

This month, I invite us to keep up the work of living our values in the world. In June we will be sharing the plate with the Triangle Community Center, and on June 19th we will be joined by guest speaker, Edson Rivas, the Center’s executive director. Triangle Community Center aims to support LGBTQ competency trainings for education, service providers, and others in addition to providing mental health counseling services, and hosting events so that our communities are safe, and everyone in the LGBTQ community is treated with dignity and respect. While I won’t be preaching that Sunday, I will join the congregation for a dedication of our new pride flag after the service. I encourage all who can to get out and affirm LGBTQ+ Pride at the events sponsored by Stamford Pride and Triangle Community Center listed in the e-blast below (I will be heading over to Pride in the Park after the UUC Tag Sale on June 11th- let me know if you’d like to join!)

May the month ahead be a time of affirmation, advocacy and liberation, as we continue to celebrate the diversity among us and live our values in the world.

Rev. Terri