Time to Refill the Well

Ask a parish minister how they are feeling in June, and you will probably hear the word “exhausted”. Most are ready by this time for a little vacation and rest, and your minister here at UUC is no exception! There is a reason most ministers take the month of July to recharge: We need to refill the well.

This coming Sunday will be my last time leading service until August. It is also the last time I will have the joy to lead alongside our Director of Religious Education, Darlene, as it is her last service with us. This Sunday also marks the term end of two members of the Board of Trustees- and the beginning of two new ones after the congregational meeting vote.

Please join us for this ending celebration on Sunday which will include a Flower Celebration (also known as Flower Communion or Festival), the Annual Meeting, and our Congregational Picnic!

As school years end, so do congregational ones. However, worship does not actually end at UUC, even if the minister takes a pause. The Worship Team has prepared a full summer of services led by lay leaders and guest speakers. These services are more casual and may include discussion, poetry, or a lot of hymn singing! The Worship Team is still looking for a service leader(s) for June 26th– so if you have a great idea or a topic/theme to share with the congregation that you would like to share or reflect on, please let me know ASAP. I will be in Portland, Oregon at the UU General Assembly that week, but will be glad to help you prepare in advance, and worship team leaders can support you. (Your service does NOT have to include a sermon!)

As for your minister, I will still be available to the congregation throughout June and present for the dedication of our Pride Banner on June 19th. But I might need to take a Zoom call beside the pool. And I am looking forward to hitting the beach in July.

Rev. Terri