Looking for a Spiritual Home?
Who are we?
We welcome you! The Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Stamford, CT, is a growing community grounded in love and transforming lives by deepening our connections to our hearts, to each other, and to the world in which we all belong.
As a congregation, our mission is to build a community that deepens individual faith, celebrates unity among diversity, and promotes a just and humane world. We empower our members to share their gifts, so together we can build a community of diverse and creative expressions of spirituality, beauty, service, and justice. Life is a spiritual journey better traveled together.
What does it mean to be a Unitarian Universalist congregation?
Unitarian Universalist congregations welcome people from all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and religious backgrounds. We have no creed or dogma to which members must agree.
Our religious tradition is free-thinking and inclusive. We celebrate diversity, even though working out differences with mutual care and respect can be challenging. We invite you to walk with us in the spirit of love to transform ourselves and the world around us. Our children’s affirmation says, “We are people of open minds, loving hearts, and helping hands.” That pretty much tells you who we strive to be.
Unitarian Universalist congregations covenant to affirm and promote shared values that encompass our commitment to the worth and dignity of every person and our respect for the interdependence of all existence. We also encourage the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. We utilize and promote the democratic process. We are committed to dialogue and work for peace, freedom, and justice. For inspiration, we draw upon many sources, including the teachings of world religions, the prophetic actions of courageous women and men, and each individual’s direct experience of mystery and wonder in life itself.
To learn more:
- Watch the video Voices of a Liberal Faith.
- Go to our First-Time Visitor page to learn more about us.
- Come to our next service or event to meet us in person! Worship Services and Religious Education classes for children are held each Sunday at 10 a.m.*
- Take a look at our Upcoming Events and Programs to see more opportunities to make new friends and perhaps find a new spiritual home. Membership is not required to participate in our programs and services.