Where Memory Presses Green Land

In his poem “Silenced Cries” James Coburn writes about the 1921 Tulsa Massacre and the racially motivated destruction of the Greenwood area, known as “Black Wall Street”. He says ” What do I know but clouds of smoke once rose where memory presses green land.” On this, the 100th anniversary of the massacre, we will tell the rarely heard story of this event and reflect on the work we are called to do to end racism in our country.
Rev. Steve writes this invitation, “Welcome to the folks of UUC in Stamford. We are glad to have you join us for worship. We open our virtual doors at 9:45 am and request that people have their first and last names on their Zoom account. People will be admitted to a waiting room and then into the service. During the service, we take time to go to breakout rooms during the welcome to check in and say hello to one another. We also share sorrows and joys during the service using the chat box. You are all welcome to join in as fully as you are comfortable doing so. See you Sunday!”

CLICK HERE to join the Zoom Sunday Worship Service with video from your computer, tablet or phone (with Zoom APP installed). Or call 1-929-205-6099 and enter the Meeting ID: 916 0533 3040.