Holiday Message

Dear Ones,

The holiday season is a time of joy and peace; but it may also be filled with heartbreak. If you are feeling sad or lonely, please know that you are not alone. Many are struggling this month with grief and loss. Financial hardship and family conflict create stress. Rising Covid numbers have altered holiday plans and increased anxiety and fear. We find ourselves lamenting- How long will this go on?- and wondering: Is it safe? Is it right?  There are no easy answers. As I have heard it said recently, there are no perfect answers, only less-wrong ones.

In this time of uncertainty, we need one another more than ever. We need this spiritual community to help us find our way home. We need each other to help us remember our place in the shared human story.

This Christmas Eve I invite you to join in community to retell- in lesson and carol- a part of our story. The story of Christmas found in the Book of Luke is not a historical account; but it is a human one, perhaps a relatable one. The tale tells of a stressed out family in need of a safe place to stay, in a time of violent power struggle and empire; fear of the unknown and the courage to journey on are woven throughout. In the middle of this story, a baby is born, and love, wonder, and hope abide.

Please know that joining in community does not mean that we all need to meet in person and put ourselves at risk. We seek to make room for ALL at this Inn- including those who will join us from the shelter of their own homes. Our service will take place on December 24th at 5PM, in person AND on Zoom. Love knows no bounds. It moves across the sky, through rafters and screens, and into hearts. Love will meet you wherever you are.

Whether you travel or stay put this season, I wish you moments of kindness and connection; wonder for the everyday miracles of life; and beautiful stories to bring you meaning and light.

Blessings to all ~
Reverend Terri