Dear Ones,
It was a joy to meet so many of you on August 1st. Thank you for the warm welcome! I began my work as your minister officially on August 15th and have spent the past two weeks meeting with Board members and congregational leaders, getting organized online and in my Forest Street office, and learning about all that takes place “behind the scenes” at UUC. It has been a full, enlightening experience!
I look forward to gathering for our multigenerational Ingathering Service on Sunday, September 12th outside on the front lawn (and shared remotely via Zoom). You are invited to bring water from a source that is meaningful to you; we will join our waters in a Water Communion ritual as a sign of the healing, renewal, and spiritual nourishment we seek and create in community together.
In this time of great challenge and turbulence, I invite us to find strength and sustenance in this community. While Covid numbers are high, we will worship outside or on Zoom (look for the eblast announcements each week for updates). Although we may wish for more certainty, this liminal space beckons us to embrace possibilities we may not have considered before. Let’s strengthen our connections by creating opportunities to gather in smaller numbers, safely and responsibly.
I would love to know more of your stories and am looking forward to getting to know everyone better. Please reach out if you’d like to chat over tea or coffee. I am available for in person meetings on Sundays 12-3, and Thursdays 10-1, or on Zoom by appointment. You can schedule an appointment with me here I can also be reached by email [email protected]or phone 845-344-7336.
With hope for the year ahead,
Rev Terri