Together, Renewed, and Looking to the Future

Dear Beloved Community,

This week marks a pivotal two year anniversary. In March 2020, schools, churches, and businesses began to shut down in response to a worldwide pandemic. UUC Stamford joined the millions of congregations who held service for the first time online. We had no idea then how drastically our lives would change.

One year ago, with the promise of vaccines, we began to imagine and plan for re-gathering. Again, we had no idea how long – or how hard- this journey would be. And yet, here we are- after many stops and starts- another year later: Together. Renewed. Looking to the future.

Over the next few weeks, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation will be launching its Stewardship Campaign. You will hear more about the work of Building Our Future from the Stewardship Team in our services and weekly eblasts, and be invited to pledge your financial commitment to help the congregation grow.

As I think about the work of stewardship, I am reminded of the lessons we carry with us from these past two years. Perhaps the biggest lesson we have learned is that individualism does not get us very far in a crisis; we need everyone to contribute for the greater good to be achieved. As a society, we are being called to change: to think and act collectively, rather than simply from individual interest alone.

The work of congregational stewardship is an act of faith- a commitment to tend and nurture what we hold in care collectively. This is the most authentic spiritual discipline we can engage in as a community- the trust that each one of us will do our part so that together we can thrive.

This season I invite us all to consider stewardship as an act of faith for the larger vision and the collective whole. Giving and generosity are personal spiritual disciplines that nurture all of us and feed a community far beyond its doors. As you pledge your commitment, however large or small, know that the impact ripples outward into the world.

Thank you all for sharing the gift of yourselves- your time, your talent, your treasure, and your hearts- as faithful stewards of this community.

In faith,
Rev. Terri