Welcoming Spring, Planting Seeds

Have you noticed the change in weather this week? As much as I love a good snowstorm, I am hoping that last Saturday’s snow showers were our last for the season. I am ready to get my hands in the dirt and welcome in the Spring!

There is just something about clear blue skies and warm sun that makes me feel a little more hopeful and alive. The sugar snap peas and chamomile seeds I planted in cups on my counter have sprouted and there are green stems reaching up toward the light. We are like this too; we need the world. There is much to despair about, but there is also kindness and beauty. The season invites us to notice new life- what theologian Howard Thurman called “the growing edge”- and to plant seeds that will grow what we yearn for most.

What do you hope grows this Spring? What seeds will you plant to help those things grow?

Here at UUC we are planting many seeds. One of those seeds is our community connections- from musicians and artists to outreach and service organizations, these connections are beginning to grow once more within and beyond our sacred space. This coming Saturday, my daughter and I will be at Fairgate Farm’s Spring Groundbreaking helping to prepare the soil for the season. Will you join us in making connections by getting our hands in the dirt? More info in the announcement below.

As we move into the warmer weather, let us keep our eyes open for signs of spring. And may we plant some of our own much needed seeds of peace in the world wherever they are most needed.

In faith,
Rev. Terri