On November 9, 2014, UUC hosted an interfaith Veterans Day service of honoring and reconciliation. Earlier this day, a jubilant, celebratory Veterans Day parade made its way up Bedford St., outside the UUC grounds. Soldiers and community groups marched proudly as service members from all generations were honored. Later that day, in UUC’s Sanctuary, a solemn service, reflective of the sacrifice veterans have made and the moral injuries they have incurred began as Chris Antal, a Unitarian Universalist Military Chaplin, began banging a drum, gathering a sacred circle. A group of 20 veterans and civilians circled around each other before coming together as one group, in a sacred ritual known as “Buffalo Healing.” With one voice, those from many interfaith backgrounds — Jewish, Christian and Unitarian Universalist — spoke a commitment: to find ways to thank those who serve in war and those who are working to create inner peace at home.
This was a service with, not for our soldiers and veterans; one which acknowledged that the burden of grief, trauma, healing, forgiveness and moral responsibility is ours to share together.
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