A New Social Justice Framework

In March about twelve congregants gathered on a Saturday morning for a Social Justice Workshop. During that time I led the group in reflection and discernment about the different approaches to social justice and community outreach, and the important role that faith communities might offer to justice efforts by serving from a theological, spiritual core. We reflected on how issues are intersectional and interconnected, and gave thought to what we might do as a congregation to have an impact in our community.

As a result of our discussion, an image emerged of a tree- with roots grounded in Building the Beloved Community, and branches extending out in relationship with community partners. This social justice framework focuses on nurturing both roots and branches. Root work includes exploration and adoption of the 8th Principle, which is focused on Beloved Community. We will learn more about this on May 15th.

Meanwhile, we are also beginning to build and strengthen relationships with the organizations that we support through Share the Plate. Two of those organizations will have representatives joining us in upcoming Sunday services, with opportunities to partner through hands-on projects. This Sunday, April 10th, we will be joined by a representative from Filling in the Blanks, an organization that tackles child hunger in our area. Then on Sunday, May 8th, our service will be led by representatives from the Stamford Interfaith Refugee Settlement (SIRS), which has assisted recent refugees from Afghanistan and Syria to settle and adjust to life in Stamford. SIRS also invites congregants to join their monthly volunteer meeting, which will be held in the UUC Community Room on Wednesday, April 20th from 7-8:30 PM.

There are many other issues of concern- Racism, LGBTQ Oppression, Climate Change, and War- to name a few big ones. We are a small congregation and we cannot solve the world’s problems. But we can take action together by working with other organizations dedicated to these issues.

I am grateful for the visionary work of the UUC group that gathered in March. May we continue to deepen our roots and extend our branches to those in need.

Rev. Terri