Getting Vaccinated

I’ve been enjoying every report I’ve received of members of UUC getting vaccinated. Cheryl and I are signed up to get our first vaccinations on the 18th of this month. We will have to drive 2 hours to Syracuse to get ours, but we can do them on the same day. It will be a nice outing, a date of sorts. We got tested for Covid-19 on our anniversary last year– so it seems fitting to get vaccinated as part of a date. This means I should get my 2nd vaccination sometime in mid-April and will be fully vaccinated by the beginning of May. I will be planning visits to Stamford for May and June– keep tuned for further details. In the meantime, I hope you are getting your vaccinations as well– those that can. If you get the opportunity to get a vaccination, do so. They are safe, effective, and the best hope we have beating this bug.
No Limits on Churches…?
The governor of CT has decided to remove the pandemic limits on churches starting March 19th. Meanwhile, our Unitarian Universalist Association leaders still recommend that UU congregations continue to avoid in-person gatherings and continue on-line worship and meetings.
• see this letter from our UUA President, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
• see UUA Guidance on Gathering In-Person When Covid-19 Subsides

The Center for Disease Control, earlier this week, relaxed their recommendations on in-person gatherings saying people could safely gather in small groups, indoors, in private, without masks or physical distancing, IF EVERYONE IN THE GROUP WAS VACCINATED. These new guidelines are not intended for worship services or other high-risk, public gatherings.

The UUC Board is discussing the timeline for when and how we will be returning to in-person worship services. At this time, we are committed to working towards a hybrid model with a combination of in-person and on-line components so we can provide quality worship for everyone who wishes to participate and attend. There will be more Conversation Circles in the future to discuss these possibilities and plans. And, as always, the Board meetings are open to UUC members who wish to attend.  If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions about our planned timeline for return to in-person worship service– please contact any member of the Board. I am also available to answer questions and listen to your concerns.

Stay healthy, whole, and connected.


Rev. Craig