Living Our Vision – With Love at the Center

Dear Ones,


This Sunday, I invite you to return. Wanderers, worshippers, we are- like many streams- meandering back to the ocean of community, to begin again. Together we gather on Homecoming Sunday to celebrate and to practice living our vision of beloved community; together we converge to begin this great aspirational work once more. Whether you have been away for just a week, an entire summer, or even longer- I invite you to come to the water, bringing droplets or a small sample of water from the places you have traveled- be they real locations or metaphorical ones- to create who we are together anew.


The invitation to return is a path of radical welcome that invites us to grow and to be transformed. As the Sufi poet Rumi writes, Come Come whoever you are- even if you have broken your vow a thousand times. This year we begin with great hopes- and a few new affirmations to guide us. In June, our UU General Assembly passed the Article II revision which places Love at the Center of 6 guiding Values: Justice, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Interdependence, and Generosity. And here at UUC, our own assembly of members affirmed a new statement envisioning UUC as  a vibrant, radically inclusive community dedicated to fostering spiritual exploration through all stages of life, cultivating meaningful interpersonal connections and working collectively to heal the world through love.”


As we begin our year together, I invite us to consider these two guiding statements as an invitation to practice Love together- aspirationally, imperfectly, and always with the invitation to begin again. Through our 2024-25 Shared Ministry Theme: “Living Our Vision-  with Love at the Center”, we will reflect on and practice turning our vision and values into action. And through our monthly Soul Matters themes, we will practice living love- beginning with September’s theme of “Living Love through the Practice of Invitation”.


Whether you are ready to cliff jump into the ocean or are just dipping your toes in the water- I hope you will join us. This community needs all of us, whoever you are. See you on Sunday!


In peace,

Rev. Terri