
Our April monthly theme is Resistance. We explore this theme through Worship, through Children’s Religious Education, and through our Adult Small Group Ministry Soul Matters groups (if you are interested in joining a group, send me a message!). This month I also invite us to explore Resistance through our lives.

When you think of resistance, you might picture a line of protesters with signs at a demonstration. Resistance against injustice through public social witness is certainly one way to live this word with boldness. As Unitarian Universalists, we are called to show up together to work for justice in our world. I invite you to join our upcoming Social Action meeting on April 2nd and a film showing and discussion about undoing systemic racism on April 15th (announcements below) to find out how we can do this work together.

We can also practice resistance by choosing to live values that might not align with the dominant culture’s values. When we choose generosity over greed, hope over despair, or interdependence over individualism, we are resisting strong cultural messages that are all around us. We are choosing to create a new way of life: a community centered in love, rather than self-interest.

This month, I invite you to practice resistance by choosing a value that is of importance to you and living into it more fully. And look for others to join and support you! Together we will build a new way.

In faith,
Rev. Terri