The Path of Courage

The month of October invites us to travel the path of Courage together. Courage is our Soul Matters theme- a theme that we explore as a whole congregation through Worship, through children’s Religious Education lessons, and through our intentional and reflective small group conversations (scroll down to see how to join one of our Soul Matters groups!). But what does Courage look like in action? It may be loud, like speaking truth to power. Or soft, the quiet voice of integrity in a world that expects conformity.

To be truly courageous is to be ourselves. This kind of courage involves risk. The risk of following our call to become who we are may disappoint the people around us who hold certain expectations. It may also be met with larger resistance.

For example, a few weeks ago, Stamford Pride held a Drag Queen Story Hour at the Ferguson Library. I recently learned that the library received threatening calls as a result of this event. The movement to suppress and stifle the fullness of our humanity, including gender expression, is rampant not only in far away places- but right here in our own local community. October is LGBTQ History Month, which includes Coming Out Day on October 11th. As part of our commitment as an LGBTQ Welcoming Congregation, we will be joined by members of Stamford Pride for a “Courage of our Stories” Sunday on October 16th. Creating space for the fullness of gender identity and expression and sexual orientation is one way that we can be more courageous.

As we move into the month of October, I invite us to act with courage- for the  freedom of all people, the sake of our Earth, and the still small voice that calls us to become ourselves.  What small thing might you do to step outside your comfort zone and take a risk? Go do it- and come back to share your risk with the UUC community as we explore the path of courage together this month.

In faith,
Rev. Terri