Author: admin

The Path of Creativity

This month we explore The Path of Creativity. Our May Soul Matters theme reminds us that we are all creative. Some of us are performers and activists, others are writers and artists, and still others are gardeners and teachers. But together we are meaning-makers and … read more.


Our April monthly theme is Resistance. We explore this theme through Worship, through Children’s Religious Education, and through our Adult Small Group Ministry Soul Matters groups (if you are interested in joining a group, send me a message!). This month I also invite us to … read more.

Finding Our Center

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! I hope that this season finds you well, renewed and hopeful for things to come. And if you are troubled or weary, please know that you may always reach out to me, or to our UUC Care Team members.

We begin this … read more.

Accepting the Invitation of Darkness

Dear Ones,

The month of December brings us into a time of darkness. I invite us all to welcome this darkness- not as something to be feared, or obliterated with a million flashing lights. Let us take time over the next several weeks to slow our … read more.

The Path of Change

This month we center our worship and congregational life on the Path of Change. In November, change is present in the turning of the seasons as days get darker and the weather gets colder.

There is both an imperative to change- and a fear of change- … read more.

The Path of Courage

The month of October invites us to travel the path of Courage together. Courage is our Soul Matters theme- a theme that we explore as a whole congregation through Worship, through children’s Religious Education lessons, and through our intentional and reflective small group conversations (scroll … read more.

One United Stream

Dear Ones,

I am excited to gather with you once again in worship this Sunday! Our Ingathering service marks the official “beginning” of the church year. Worship is our central community ritual. We begin this week as a whole community of all ages- gathering our waters … read more.

Welcome to September – the Path of Belonging

September’s Theme: The Path of Belonging

What does it mean to truly belong? What does it mean to create a place of belonging for others- especially those so often outside the circle? How might we journey together on a path of belonging as we enter our … read more.

Intentional Slowing


Today (Wednesday) was my first day back in Stamford since our Pride Sign Dedication service in June. It has been a whirlwind month and a half, with travels to Portland, Oregon for General Assembly, followed by vacation and study leave time in July. I have … read more.